
Mandrill has a generic error format:

    "status": "error",
    "code": 11,
    "name": "Unknown_Message",
    "message": "No message exists with the id 'McyuzyCS5M3bubeGPP-XVA'"

which is modelled in the MandrillApiError class. The name property is explicitly typed for easy pattern matching.

import net.gutefrage.mandrill.core._
import net.gutefrage.mandrill.core.MandrillApiErrorName._

val error = MandrillApiError("invalid api key", Invalid_Key)

error match {
  case MandrillApiError(msg, Invalid_Key) => println(s"oops, wrong key: $msg")
  case MandrillApiError(msg, ValidationError) => println(s"you did something wrong: $msg")
  case MandrillApiError(msg, err) => println(s"$err : $msg")