
Finagle has first class Zookeeper support. Both static and dynamic resolving with dtabs make use of zookeeper to manage service locations. The core data structure for this purpose is the Serverset.

There two scheme implementations zk (used to announce a service) and zk2 ( used to resolve a service ). Both use the Serverset internally for persisting, updating or resolving service network locations. Resolving is describe in more detail in the Static Resolving section.

For the Zookeeper scheme the name parameter is extended to:


The shardId can always be set to zero. The Finagle documentation says it’s only used for a few services at twitter.



Announce a ThriftMux server

Announcing a ThriftMux server.

val service: Service[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]] = ???
val server = ThriftMux.server
    name = s"zk!!/path/to/service!0",
    addr = ":8000",
    service = service